Anti-Human Trafficking
We are called to defend life, to promote justice and to uphold human dignity especially among persons and groups who are exploited. At present, we have four sisters who are involved in this ministry. Two sisters volunteer in home shelters, providing emotional and spiritual support to the run away foreign domestic workers. Another one sisters are involved in the peacewalk, rescue operation and advocacy work on the leadership level.
SUPER NUNS: the fearless sisters fighting human trafficking
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Pope signs new Encyclical "Fratelli tutti"
on St Francis's tomb in Assisi
Pope Francis went on Saturday to Assisi for the fifth time during his pontificate. There he signed his new Encyclical Fratelli tutti, before the tomb of St Francis of Assisi, after celebrating Holy Mass.
The Encyclical on fraternity and social friendship was inspired by St Francis, as was the Pope’s second Encyclical, Laudato si’, on the care of our common home, published five years ago.
click here for the full article:
The Encyclical on fraternity and social friendship was inspired by St Francis, as was the Pope’s second Encyclical, Laudato si’, on the care of our common home, published five years ago.
click here for the full article:
"We are women of different nations and cultures, choosing to live together in a fragmented world. Revealing the face of Christ by being a humanizing presence among people who suffer and are on the margins.Committing ourselves, with others to the care of creation and to the service of peace, justice and healing, where is most needed."
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