Stages of Religious Life Formation
Once a young woman has been accepted to begin preparation for life as a Franciscan Missionary of Mary, she will spend a period of time, usually about a year, living with a community of FMM sisters.
Pre-Novitiate (1 - 2 years)
Living with a community of FMM sisters for at least a year to see if you have a personal call from Christ and to see if you have the aptitude to live the FMM life.
Perpetual Vows
Before making final profession each sister has a period of reflection and prayer lasting from three to six months depending on her needs. At this time of final profession, the sister receives her first mission sending from the Superior General, assigning her to a mission which may be in any country of the world where there is an FMM presence.
"We are women of different nations and cultures, choosing to live together in a fragmented world. Revealing the face of Christ by being a humanizing presence among people who suffer and are on the margins.Committing ourselves, with others to the care of creation and to the service of peace, justice and healing, where is most needed."
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