We celebrate Environment’s Day every 5th June. We are so lucky to get the air, water, earth and the sunshine without cost. The environment doesn’t need us but as a human being we need the environment in order to survive. Our duty is to take good care of what God has entrusted to us. We are sharing the common gifts. During this time of pandemic, many activities has been temporary terminated and in this time too we can see the creatures of God coming out freely and the colour of the flowers getting brighter each day. Perhaps this is the time for us to renew our relationship with our environment. Once we have destroyed our nature it is hard to heal and even though we can heal the nature but it will not be the same anymore because what we use to see with our eyes before and now we only can hear it by our ears. While we are still receiving the four basic needs let us also contribute our gratitude to thank the mother earth. Be friend to the nature then only we will discover the precious gifts that nobody can give you. In our community we begin to create our hobbies, one of these hobbies is gardening. Let us put our hands on the soil and discover the joy of gardening and we too will discover the small creatures of God. Conversion of humanity necessary to heal the earth … Pope Francis, Vatican News Let us answer the invitation from our Pope ‘to heal our earth’ to live, to care and to pass it on to the next generations. Our mission is to be one with nature because wherever we go, we cannot run away from nature.
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May 2023
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"We are women of different nations and cultures, choosing to live together in a fragmented world. Revealing the face of Christ by being a humanizing presence among people who suffer and are on the margins.Committing ourselves, with others to the care of creation and to the service of peace, justice and healing, where is most needed."
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